Get Your Dream Bod with Body Contouring in Fairfax, VA

Body contouring in Fairfax, VA is growing in popularity as more and more treatments are introduced to the market. As the weather begins to warm up, we are all starting to shed our winter wardrobe for our spring and summer attire which means you may have noticed that some of your clothes are a little tighter than you might like. A body contouring treatment in Fairfax, VA, is a quick and effective way to get you back into your favorite pair of shorts this summer!

So, let’s break down some of the most popular body sculpting treatments, shall we?

body contouring Fairfax VA

Destroy Fat with Vanquish Body Contouring Treatments

Vanquish uses radio-frequency technology to target fat cells so that they are destroyed. Many patients enjoy these treatments as they only take around 45 minutes to one hour with little to no discomfort. Vanquish is the top FDA-approved choice for body contouring in Fairfax, VA, for large areas. Popular treatment for Vanquish body contouring areas include the stomach, flanks, mid back, thighs and upper arms.

Banish Cellulite with Velashape in Fairfax, VA

Velashape uses a combination of infrared light, radio-frequency, massage and suction to banish cellulite. Moreover, this technology can also be used to reduce the size of the stomach, thighs and even target unwanted fat under the chin.

Firm Skin with Exilis Body Contouring

Exilis uses ultrasound technology combined with radio-frequency technology to sculpt and tighten the skin on your body. This is an ideal option if you have loose or sagging skin and would like to firm up. For best results, most doctors recommend four to six treatments depending on your current condition.

Try Body Contouring in Fairfax, VA

At Vitalia MedSpa we are proud to offer many of the top body sculpting treatments to treat a range of patients. If you would like to schedule your consultation for body contouring in Fairfax, VA, call Vitalia MedSpa today at 703-356-7546.


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