Top 10 Benefits of IPL in Fairfax, VA

IPL photofacials are different from other facials or laser treatments in Northern Virginia. Learn how you can revitalize your skin’s tone and texture with the benefits of IPL in Fairfax, VA.

Why We Love IPL in Fairfax, VA

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a facial treatment that works through a light technology that was specially designed to create superficial injuries in your skin which promote your skin to heal. During the healing process your skin sheds its superficial layer and where collagen and elastin begin to reproduce in your skin. These top benefits of IPL in Fairfax, VA, leave you with gorgeous, glowing, healthier skin.


1.No More Sun Damage

The IPL photofacial is an ideal way to combat sun damage.


2.Destroy Acne

For those who suffer from acne-prone skin, photofacials can fight back by killing acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, repeated treatments can eliminate scar tissue, leaving you with a clearer and smoother skin texture.


3.Vanish Veins

If you have visible blood vessels, the technology in IPL is easily absorbed by your red blood cells, making it an ideal treatment to eliminate these embarrassing marks.


4.Prevent Premature Aging

When you schedule regular IPL facial treatments, you are actually preventing premature skin aging!


5. Treat More Than Your Face

Although IPL is used most popularly on the face, it can also be applied on the neck, chest, shoulder, arms, legs, and even hands. Versatility is one of our favorite features of IPL facials in Fairfax, VA.


6. IPL in Fairfax, VA, Pairs Well With Other Treatments

IPL facials are an awesome addition to your existing Botox or filler treatment for a comprehensive skin boost.


7.Little Downtime

You will likely not experience much swelling, redness, or irritation from IPL which makes it the perfect treatment requiring little downtime.


8.Quick and Easy

Treatments generally take less than 30 minutes!


9.IPL is Affordable

You won’t break the bank with your IPL facial treatment. Call and ask about pricing options.


10. Find IPL in Fairfax, VA

You don’t have to search any farther for the best IPL facial in Fairfax, VA! Our team at Vitalia Medspa in Northern Virginia, is ready to help you love your skin. Schedule your IPL facial today, call 703-356-7546.


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