We’ve Got the Best Chemical Peel in Fairfax, VA

Chemical peels in Fairfax, VA, are a moderately aggressive treatment will drastically improve your skin's texture, diminish fine lines, improve the skin's clarity, and enhance the skin's overall appearance—bringing that "glow" back. Depeding on your condition, a physician-strength acid formula is customized to make this peel aggressive or mild. This treatment is excellent for maintaining healthy skin.

What is a Chemical Peel?

The truth is that many "peels" are concentrated fruit acids. The most common acids come from sugar cane, lemons, apples, grapes, and milk. These acids are formulated to penetrate deep into the epidermis and excite the building blocks of skin. As a result, you'll get glowing, healthy skin. The treatment at Vitalia MedSpa can take as little as thirty minutes. And it will leave your skin looking younger, softer, and brighter! The sound of a "Chemical Peel" can be a little intimidating. Rest assured that a chemical peel in Fairfax, VA, can be one of your skin's best friends!

Best Chemical Peel in Fairfax, VA

 The Vitalia Chemical Peel in Fairfax, VA

At Vitalia MedSpa, we do a detailed consultation and skin analysis to determine which peel is best suited for you. We then address your home care products to make sure you have the best tools to maintain your healthy glowing skin. After examining your skin and determining what type of chemical peel would be best for your skin, the Medical Aesthetician will cleanse your skin. A physician-strength acid formula is customized to make the peel aggressive or mild. A mild peel will leave your skin flaking for a couple of days, while an aggressive peel will make your skin peel or slough off for 3 or 4 days. After you receive the best chemical peel in Fairfax, VA, you are sent home with thorough skin care instructions.

Schedule the Best Chemical Peel Today

The best part of being at Vitalia is that you will have access to our skincare experts. We are here to accommodate you and take care of you every step of the way. Once you try a signature Vitalia chemical peel in Fairfax, VA, you will love how your skin looks and feels. We also offer great discounts for package purchases.


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